Big Week Ahead

As mentioned in a few postings ago, I have been training alot at the Motion Room since rep lacrosse tryouts were coming up…. well they are here, 2 Tuesdays in a row I will competing with others and giving it all I got at these tryouts. I am sure that by attending the gym 5-6 times a week and eating healthy will definitely help with my efforts. My house league lacrosse started last week, and I felt pretty good out there on the floor. Stronger, healthier and ready for each shift.


There is also another big event happening….. my retest is next Monday! I have to admit that I am pretty nervous about this retest; the last retest was right after recovering from pneumonia. I am sure that I will be much stronger in many of the tests. However, my weight had dropped from being sick. My goal for next week’s test is to have gained muscle and to lose 2-3 % body fat. If I lose 3% body fat than I think I will be well on my way to making my goals for August.

Here are the things that I am doing this week to help prepare myself for the retest;


1.       Eating healthy (Clean meals)

2.       No red meat, dairy, sugar, gluten

3.       No late night snacking

4.       Getting some rest, lots of sleep

5.       Increasing the cardio

6.       No alcohol

7.       Detox teas (dandelion tea)

Wish me luck!

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