We know… the word “burnt out” has been used so much but there’s of course a reason for it. We are all feeling tired, overwhelmed, and stretched thin in our own ways. If you’re feeling burnt out, try this…
Whether it’s too many Zoom meetings, too much screen time, cramped work from home situations, or keeping a multitude of spinning plates in the air, we are all suffering in some way. As we shift into a third year of the current health crisis, do you know when it’s time to ask for help? If you find yourself bogged down or overwhelmed by the ‘big picture’ yet also fixated on the small stuff, an overhaul might be needed. Here are three places to start:
Make time to move.
Making time for even small spurts of movement each day will create a big impact on your physical and emotional health. Taking a walk around your neighbourhood mid-day or committing to a short movement session (yoga or tai-chi) first thing in the morning have been shown to lower stress levels.
Make time for change.
A fitness, nutrition, or lifestyle coach can help reevaluate, reset, and restart your path to success. At The Motion Room and The Coaching Company, your dedicated coach will start with a habit-mapping session to see where you are over-extending yourself and help you get back on track.
Bonus Tip: Make time to Recover.
Finally, make time for recovery. You’ll be more inclined to move your body productively (not to mention, you’ll feel better) if you’ve made time for quality rest and recovery. Intense workouts can be challenging and really fun (the same is true for intense periods of stress at work) but it’s important to create space in your life for recovery; it’s an integral part of the wellbeing journey. Meditation, days off, massage, and even myo-facial release, for example, should all be part of your holistic wellbeing routine. If you need more tips and tricks on how to implement rest and recovery rituals into your life, click here.