Welcome to the RECONNECTION CHALLENGE! This week, we’re going to keep it simple… but simple doesn’t always mean easy. We’re going to check in with a family member or old…
Boxing/MMA-Inspired Challenge Warm-up with 5- 10 minutes of light cardio, then dynamic stretches (leg swings, arm circles, etc.). After the workout, cool down with light cardio (walking, etc.) to bring…
Mini Turkey Meatballs (Servings 4)(make the night before) Ingredients: ⦁ 1 pound lean ground turkey⦁ Juice and zest of ½ medium orange⦁ Juice and zest of ½ medium lemon⦁ Juice and…
THE “HAPPY FEET” CHALLENGE! This week we’re going to show our feet some love … and chances are, they’ll pay you back by helping you feel better all the way…
Tabata Challenge! Warm-up with 5- 10 minutes of light cardio, then dynamic stretches (leg swings, arm circles, etc.). After the workout, cool down with light cardio (walking, etc.) to bring…
Sriracha Roasted Garbanzos Ingredients:⦁ 14 oz. can chickpeas, (BPA-free) (drained, rinsed, and dried)⦁ 1 Tbsp. sriracha⦁ ½ Tbsp. coconut oil⦁ ½ Tbsp. organic honey⦁ ¼ tsp. sea salt⦁ ½ Tbsp….
VEGGIE-LICIOUS CHALLENGE! Are you ready for a challenge that’ll have you eating MORE instead of less!? Well, I’ve got you covered! It’s going to be a colorful and delicious challenge.That’s right….
Animal Challenge Warm-up with 5- 10 minutes of light cardio, then dynamic stretches (leg swings, arm circles, etc.). After the workout, cool down with light cardio (walking, etc.) to bring…
How’s the 5-Second Rule Challenge going for you!? Have you noticed some major changes in your life?! It really works, doesn’t it! I want to give you a little more…