THE “HAPPY FEET” CHALLENGE! This week we’re going to show our feet some love … and chances are, they’ll pay you back by helping you feel better all the way…
How’s the 5-Second Rule Challenge going for you!? Have you noticed some major changes in your life?! It really works, doesn’t it! I want to give you a little more…
THE “5 SECOND RULE” CHALLENGE Have you heard of the book by Mel Robbins called The 5 Second Rule? If you haven’t, it’s pretty amazing and definitely worth a read….
THE FACEBOOK FREEZE CHALLENGE! How many times a day do you check Facebook? Studies show that many of us check it an average of 14 times a day! Social media…
THE BOOKWORM CHALLENGE! Time to get your LEARN ON! Let’s all choose a new book – and read it! – this week. It can be fiction, nonfiction, self-development, whatever. Simply…
GIVE-BACK CHALLENGE!! We’re nearing the holidays and I can’t think of a better way to celebrate than to spend time with people you care about while helping others. One of…
“CHECK IT OFF” CHALLENGE! Ever feel like you’re in “overwhelm” mode, trying to remember the million and one things you have to do?Welcome to this week’s challenge – the “Check…
Are you ready for a fun, playful, and possibly slightly embarrassing challenge that’s sure to lift your spirits? Have a daily dance party! Find 5-10 minutes every day to play…
We all know a little kindness can go a long way. That kindness can be anything from a smile, to holding the door for someone, giving a compliment, helping a…
When was the last time you got an actual handwritten note in the mail? Or even a simple postcard? How did it make you feel? Pretty special, I’m guessing.Let’s share…