🐝🐝A fun way to help support the bee population in your community is to buy products from local beekeepers.

Honey is one choice – but so are locally made beeswax candles and other products like soaps and lotions. Check out natural food stores and craft/artisan fairs! 🍯

help support

Keeping your own hive isn’t only a great hobbyhorse, but also a way to raise healthy honeybees and insure that the shops and crops in your girding area are being pollinated. The vicinity or rooftop beekeeper has a more productive theater as well as the added benefit of harvesting honey in the fall.

By buying original raw honey, you support original beekeepers and their notions, and thus the environmental health of your own city or megacity, as well as your own health. Unlike pasteurized honey, raw honey comes straight from the hive and is unheated, unpasteurized, and unmixed, which means it retains all the antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and succulent flavor. As an added perk, raw honey is a well-given mending remedy for minor becks and scrapes and can give soothing relief for snap and flu. By buying only original raw honey, you help keep yourself and your original community healthy.

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