Have Questions? ASK TMR!

Welcome to our NEW monthly blog, “Ask TMR.” Each Month we will be tacking your questions regarding fitness, health and TMR. Ask TMR will be written by The Motion Room’s Joseph Martino. Open to Members and Non-Members, we encourage you to ask your questions by sending us an email here or by sending us a message on Facebook!

With a decade in the health & fitness industry Joseph Martino is an Internationally recognized Fitness Professional, Advisor to the Humber College Health & Fitness Promotion Program, Canfitpro Pro Trainer, Master Trainer in several disciplines and previous trainer of the Kingdom of Bahrain Shakia.

“I don’t like doing the same exercises all the time!”

I’ve been hearing far too often as of late, “I don’t like doing the same exercises all the time”. In particular with our Foundation phase and our Meltdown Burn program.  With that said, I would like to thank the media for once again taking things out of context in regards to fitness. And because of this people are “Program Hopping” from one trend to another with little to no results. Why no results? No program will be effective if you don’t stick with it long enough to see results. How long is long enough? I recommend a minimum of four weeks, with a maximum of 10 to 12 weeks before changing programs. To help in understanding this, let’s look at it like this, There are a many effective workout programs as they are also many great subjects you can study in college. What’s the connection? In college, you sign up for a class and then you attend it several times a week…. for an entire semester. Obvious, right? Of course we do this as is the best way to gain sufficient knowledge and mastery of a subject for it to be at all useful. This is what we tend to forget when it comes to exercise. Can you imagine if a college let you change your classes every other week. You’d spend no more than two to three weeks in each class and then change to a new classes. Just as when you’re getting to the point where you’re starting to actually learn something, understand and get a little better at it, change happens and it’s gone. Once again I say, this is exactly what most people do with their workout programs. In order to see true results, in anything in life is a  process of consistently repeating a combination of behaviors that result in transformation given enough time. Nothing happens overnight and yet when it comes to exercise the simple truth of what it takes to see progress/results is often abandoned in favor of jumping to a new program after a few weeks, because a drastic transformation hasn’t happened.

With a decade in the health & fitness industry Joseph Martino is an Internationally recognized Fitness Professional, Advisor to the Humber College Health & Fitness Promotion Program, Canfitpro Pro Trainer, Master Trainer in several disciplines and previous trainer of the Kingdom of Bahrain Shakia.


Healthy Regards

Joseph Martino

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